Resources for Understanding Climate Change in West Virginia

Compiled by Dr. Nicolas Zegre, Director Mountain Hydrology Lab, West Virginia University.

For more information, see

Scientific articles/reports:

Past climate

Gaertner, B., Fernandez, R. and Zegre, N. (2020) Twenty-First Century Streamflow and Climate Change in Forest Catchments of the Central Appalachian Mountains Region, US. Water 12(2), 453.

Kutta, E. and Hubbart, J. (2019) Climatic Trends of West Virginia: A Representative Appalachian Microcosm. Water 11(6), 1117.

Kutta, E. and Hubbart, J.A. (2019) Observed climatic changes in West Virginia and opportunities for agriculture. Regional Environmental Change.

Young, D., Zégre, N., Edwards, P. and Fernandez, R. (2019) Assessing streamflow sensitivity of forested headwater catchments to disturbance and climate change in the central Appalachian Mountains region, USA. Science of The Total Environment.

Implications of Climate Change for the US Army – › 2019/07 › implications-of-...

Future Climate

4th National Climate Assessment -

Demaria, E.M.C., Palmer, R.N. and Roundy, J.K. (2016) Regional climate change projections of streamflow characteristics in the Northeast and Midwest U.S. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 5, 309-323.

Fernandez, R. and Zegre, N. (2019) Seasonal Changes in Water and Energy Balances over the Appalachian Region and Beyond throughout the Twenty-First Century. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 58(5), 1079-1102.

Gaertner, B.A., Zegre, N., Warner, T., Fernandez, R., He, Y. and Merriam, E.R. (2019) Climate, forest growing season, and evapotranspiration changes in the central Appalachian Mountains, USA. Science of The Total Environment 650, 1371-1381.

Hayhoe, K., Wake, C., Anderson, B., Liang, X.-Z., Maurer, E., Zhu, J., Bradbury, J., DeGaetano, A., Stoner, A. and Wuebbles, D. (2008) Regional climate change projections for the Northeast USA. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 13(5-6), 425-436.

Hayhoe, K., Wake, C., Huntington, T., Luo, L., Schwartz, M., Sheffield, J., Wood, E., Anderson, B., Bradbury, J., DeGaetano, A., Troy, T. and Wolfe, D. (2007) Past and future changes in climate and hydrological indicators in the US Northeast. Climate Dynamics 28(4), 381-407.

Merriam, E.R., Fernandez, R., Petty, J.T. and Zegre, N. (2017) Can brook trout survive climate change in large rivers? If it rains. Science of The Total Environment 607-608, 1225-1236.



• WV Climate and Water Links – Online educational atlas about climate change projections and potential impacts in West Virginia

Currently Available

[Video] Earth: The Operators’ Manual –

[Webpage] Explaining climate change science & rebutting global warming misinformation –

[Webpage visualizations by state/country] Climate Impact Map –

[Reveal Podcast] Scuttling Science.

[interview] Unequal Impact: The Deep Links Between Racism and Climate Change.